“Love yourself in the now”

… was how Carron Cummings opened the Smart Works catwalk at Fashion Week Yorkshire 2024.

Image: Isabel Butler 

The whole evening celebrated diversity, body shape, each and every person for who they are.

During the opening speech, Carron carried out an activity that spoke volumes. We were asked to raise our hands if we have ever said “I don’t look nice today” or “I look too fat, I need to loose weight”, and the outcome was heartbreaking. What really stood out to me was when we were then asked a follow up question of : “How many of you have looked in a mirror and said I love myself” or “I look good today” “ I wouldn’t change anything about me.” The amount of hands that went up? Decreased by more than half.

What followed after was an inspiring show of ten different looks, each donated by the Smart Works charity. One’s that enabled the models to feel good and love themselves in the now.

Smart works is a charity that , in their words because they do it best, are a:

“UK charity that exists to give women the confidence they need to reach their full potential, secure employment and change the trajectory of their lives.”

Image: Isabel Butler

The charity has centres in: London, Birmingham, Leeds, Greater Manchester, Newcastle, Reading and Scotland.

You can access their website through this link:


“How many of you have looked in a mirror and said I love myself”

Each look showed how fashion can transform a persons life. It allows the wearer to feel empowered, good about themselves, inspired and can even help bring around opportunities.

Carron asked for a range of different clothing in response to Smart Works’ offer, claiming she wanted their biggest size, smallest size and everything in between.

For me the catwalk said, you can start now, no matter your age, size, ethnicity, disability, do not let anyone stop you from reaching your full potential.

As amazing as the clothes were, I feel this particular walk was more centred around the way in which fashion helps women and men be themselves, be comfortable, start over and achieve their full potential.

Video: Millie Clarke

Video: Millie Clarke

Video: Millie Clarke

Written by Isabel Butler


Golden ticket to Fashion Week Yorkshire


Welcome back girlhood, VS we have missed you!